Friday, July 29, 2005

Closing Day!!

It's finally here! The day we'll come to own our own home! How cool is that? I hope the woofie likes the new digs. Now if I could convince the bank that Monopoly money works just as well...


Blogger Chris said...

Woot! Congrats! If you haven't already left, make sure you bring a good pen that you feel comfortable writing with. There's going to be about 23475628956 pieces of paper to sign. :)

10:51 AM EST

Blogger Tracy said...

Chris is just ALL about that number LOL ;)

Congrats to you! Now you need to have a virtual house-warming party!

Heh -- but you only get vitual presents ;)

10:59 PM EST

Blogger :) said...

Have fun and let us know how it too!

11:06 AM EST


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