Thursday, November 24, 2005

Boarding like a herd of buffalo...

This is insanity. There are so many people going to Baltimore. Found the bro and his chick, all is well. I've only gotten about 1 hour of my wi-fi time and now i must sign off. perhaps there will be dial up capabilities once I get to the eastern shore. If not, I'll likely have to find a local Borders... wish me luck... over and out..


Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Hope you enjoy the eastern shore! There's a 5K and 10K in Easton, Maryland at the YMCA tomorrow (Friday) if you feel ambitious! I'm about 15 miles from there. Have fun!!!

6:18 PM EST

Blogger Bolder said...

put in a new template Holly, let me know if it is any better for you?

9:12 PM EST


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