Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Roller Coaster Ride Begins

65˚F and sunny on Sunday...outside bike ride...

31˚F and snowing this morning at 7am...outside run postponed until tonight. Crawling back in bed is such a luxury...

Now for the Wednesday daffodil/apple blossom update... Everyone has grown a bit this week but they all looked so sad poking thru this morning's snow. This is the most scary time because super cold temps could ruin things...if it stays above 20˚F or so they'll be fine... It's a rocky ride for these troopers. They seem so hopeful to me... what do they say..."hope springs eternal..."

Da Woofie was psyched to romp in the snow at least. She's so funny - she has to sniff out every single cat track she finds...not just the track, but every print...and she does this by cramming her nose all the way into the snow... very cute.

Here's the apple tree... let's hope the snow will be gone by this afternoon... I'm tired of this view (although the blue sky against the white is very pretty)!!!

Dryland and swimming tomorrow...our new custom caps and sweatshirts are in!!! VERY exciting... we'll be the fashionistas of the meet.

Train hard!!


Blogger Bolder said...

welcome to my weather world... feel free to jump in, the weather is warm, no it's cold, no it's warm.......

5:26 PM GMT-5

Blogger Steven said...

We had snow here in Oregon just last week. I am so ready for some warm weather...

6:45 PM GMT-5


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