Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Fun New Feature, Take 2!

HEY Y'ALL!! Happy Wednesday!! Been wanting to put this feature up for awhile but haven't gotten around to it...and then when I got around to it, I couldn't make it work...but now, with a little help, hopefully it's working right. Feedback would be much appreciated...

Music is a big part of my world and although I don't always train with it, it's often what gets me out the door. And since my goal is to share what I can to help myself and others feel good and train hard, what better way than to share a little ditty every now and then, right?

At first it was going to be "Mood Music for Today" and was going to reflect my mood of the day...but it takes too long to navigate to my storage server and put a new song up every day - so you'll have to settle for the weekly dose of Spence's crazy tunes. And I opted for no video so those of us running macs don't have to force quit out of our browsers every time we navigate thru windows media player code!!! Plus, most of my favorite music doesn't seem to show up on those video code sites... go figure.

Just so you get the idea how it works, I've loaded a well known favorite here - just click the "Song of the Week" graphic and you should hear some fine, fine music. And as a special incentive to try it out, I'm offering an iTune download of your choice (a whole $0.99 value!!) to the first person who can name WHO is singing AND what they called themselves when they sang this particular gem - first comment to get BOTH answers correct wins. Children of the 80s, rejoice!! This is a very serious trivia question....

Then, in the sidebar, you'll find a new song every week (right below Simply Stu) - just a smattering of stuff that makes my feet go. A lot of it will be stuff I routinely run to or think is really fun (translation=best played in the car on sunny, warm days with the windows open and turned up to 11)...but if I have a particularly interesting week, you might get something more mellow or moody. It'll be a crap shoot so be sure to tune in!!

OK, hope all is well in training land - 70˚F and sunny today - headed out with Amelia and I can't WAIT!!! Train hard!


Blogger Cliff said...


I don't visit your blog too often. But woah, I love the new blog header. It looks really nice.

10:18 AM EST

Blogger Bolder said...

somehow, not knowing the song, ensures my uber-manliness for another day...

somewhere in the middle, i had a twinge of an all girl band in a reality tv show?

11:09 AM EST

Blogger :) said...

Brady Bunch - The Silver Platters???

I know I'm right (i'm just not as uber as Bold...)

11:11 AM EST

Blogger Hollyfish said...

WE HAVE A WINNER!!! Thought it would either be over fast or no one would get it. Leave it to Flat to score the free schwag... Now, for bonus points, can you tell us WHY they were calling themselves The Silver Platters? I love Brady Bunch Trivia.... Ah, the 80s....

11:14 AM EST

Blogger Joe said...

Nice feature. I'll have to wait until I get home to try it. I have the sound muted here at work.

Marcia! Marcia! Marcia! (or is it Marsha! Marsha! Marsha!???)

11:25 AM EST

Blogger Hollyfish said...

RUNNER SUSAN comes in with the bonus points!!! Thanks for playing the game!! You can have an iTune download too!!! Isn't this fun???

11:31 AM EST

Blogger :) said...

Damn you Susan, I knew that one too!!!!

12:32 PM EST

Blogger BuckeyeRunner said...

LOVE IT!!!!!! I am a total Brady Bunch fan - have seen every episode, and busted out laughing when I heard this! I proceeded to sing along, and my husband, who was sitting in the same room looked over at me like I was crazy!
Thanks, Spence!

7:24 PM EST


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