Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I'm in the DOTW again!!

It's spring and it's time to start thinking about the open water swim portion of triathlon. Coach has had us doing some sighting, some dolphin-ing, and some drafting drills in the pool and last week she filmed my lane while we practiced drafting at the hip. So we became the Drill of the Week...

Check it out!!

It was pretty incredible to do this in a controlled environment and really feel how much easier it is to swim, especially if you're the fourth in the middle/back of the "chevron." We look pretty tame on the way down but coming back, Coach said to rough it up a little as if we were really in an open water race...and my friend Tom, who did Ironman Florida last fall, decided he'd jump into our lane at the last second because the guys in his lane were being too "nice." Well, you can see me in the middle - I actually grabbed his shoulder and launched myself over him...and then you see me come to a complete stop because he grabbed my foot. Total hilarity... This drill is well worth suggesting to your friends...and once you get the hang of it, invite them to try it with you in open water. We did this early on a few summers ago and it made a huge difference for me to have practiced it before racing in open water...

I also found some helpful links about open water swimming here and here. Enjoy!!

Now GO SWIM!!!

ps. WW day 2 is on track...going well... still feeling motivated and calm...this might just work out...


Blogger Bolder said...

can i have your autograph? can i touch you?? DOTW, again!

ok, i like this drill. i think you have mucho opps to practice this in a masters class, you have the opp to tickle someones toes just about anytime you want.

6:06 PM EST

Blogger Scott said...

YO Spence - thanks for checking in. Yes, I'm back from Easter which was great. Now I'm back into that pit of despair called work. Was it Shakespeare who wrote something to the effect... "first kill all of the lawyers"?. I should have an update on my blog by tomorrow.

Anyway, so way to go with the WW thing. It has worked really well for me in the past .... twice in fact. Once I'm a little further along with the non-smoking, I intend to go back for a third go. As a dieting expert, I think that it is, as diets go, sound. No starvation, no pills, no tricks.

I think you've probably read that I have struggled with weight issues all my life. And trust me, the gay boys are not nearly as kind about it as the dykes.... I wish you well.

Now with respect to the Clydesdale class - NOT ON YOUR FREAKING LIFE WOULD I EVER.... I WOULD RATHER DIE. Nuff said on that point. There is nothing wrong with your attitude. If there is a skinny Spence within you WILL find her.

6:48 PM EST

Blogger Hollyfish said...

Oh Bold, do I sense a hint of jealousy?

7:48 PM EST

Blogger :) said...

Very funny...that last part had me rolling. I knew what happened when you just stopped before I even read your post! Great idea for drills...

9:01 AM EST


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