Sunday, January 14, 2007

First Run in a Month!

And it didn't feel all that bad. AND, when I turned on my iPod, I realized I forgot to charge it! DOH! Despite the lack of tunes, the annoying 100 lb. bouncing gazelle on the treadmill next to me and the worst XM Satellite station of all 4 million felt pretty good!

If you have a free moment, stop by Marty's Blog and leave some comment love...he's battling the FUNK all of us face from time to time...I'm SURE he'll pay it forward when he's in an upswing and YOU could be the recipient. We're all here to help...


Blogger The Fool said...

You are tooooo sweet! (I'm comin back....Strong)

Too bad about the 'pod, but good for you to get back on the 'mill. It may be January, but that means only three months to race season!

Talk to you soon......

8:12 PM EST


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