Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Question and Answer

OK, so my first Tri of the season is next Saturday and it'll be my first experience with my new wetsuit. I'm quite excited to race with it - have plans to plunge into the 60˚F lake this weekend to get a feel for it.

However. There are wetsuit strippers for this race. And I'm feeling all kinds of weird about it. Not sure why...

So the question: Can't I just take my own suit off?? Can ya'll calm my nerves about the just seems like it'd be such an exercise in abject humiliation... any words of wisdom?

And the answer to the little math puzzle below:

Congrats to Momo and Isis for figuring it out!!!


Blogger Isis said...

"... and I'm not sure why." Uhm, because it is kind of weird to have strangers undress you, even if not completely??


Seriously, just think of it as a time-saving device and don't think to hard about it. As someone who once took over a minute to shimmy out of a (granted: kayaking-style) wetsuit, I think it might not be a bad thing.

Kick butt in your race!

5:02 AM EST


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